It turns out that Michael Barton and Joey Taylor, the men who murdered black student Anthony Walker, are members of the BNP. What a surprise. Anthony, 18, was killed with an ice axe in Liverpool earlier this year. Because of the colour of his skin. [article]
Following the freezing of the accounts of the BNP by British high street banks HSBC and Barclays, because of its racist views and its clear links with nazi groups the National Front and Combat 18, the BNP have resorted to using the internet-based banking service Paypal. Anxious to raise money for what it sees as a last-ditch fight in the May 2006 local council elections, they are using Paypal for donations and as a way to easily shift money from place to place to pay for the thousands of racist/homophobic/sexist leaflets and posters necessary for any campaign at local level.
Please e-mail and ask them to stop Paypal's support of a clearly fascist organization. Paypal is now owned by eBay, a company that has responded to complaints in the past.
How utterly disgusting.
I have never used ebay. I'm still studying for my licensing exam--therefore no money. However, I will pass the word around.
Thanks for the heads-up!
In 1993 the BNP lost momentum, with younger members going over to fellow-nazi group C18. The leader Tyndall reversed the slide by adopting a more hardline strategy, which included bringing veteran US nazi leader, William Pierce, to London.
Pierce penned the evil tract, The Turner Diaries, which inspired the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and the London nailbomber David Copeland. Copeland learnt his politics in the BNP.
These people make me sick.
A worthy cause. Thanks for the hap tip. But where did you read that Barton and Taylor are members of the BNP?
The politics of the BNP: a summary
The BNP and antisemitism
The leader of the BNP, Nick Griffin, authored Who are the Mindbenders?, a pamphlet that asserts that Jews control and brainwash people through the mass media. The supposed Jewish manipulation of the BBC is 'proved' by a list of 19 Jews who work for the corporation, which employs thousands.
In the booklet, Griffin accuses Jews "of providing us with an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash".
The Mindbenders is based on Who Rules America?, a similar pamphlet written by William Pierce, one of the world's foremost neo-nazis and a self-confessed ally of Griffin. Pierce is also the author of The Turner Diaries, a fictional account of a race war in America, which inspired Timothy McVeigh the Oklahoma City bomber.
When the former MP Alex Carlisle reported Griffin for inciting racial hatred and Holocaust denial, Griffin commented: "This bloody Jew, our local MP who organised the raid whose only claim to fame is that two of his parents died in the Holocaust."
In Spearhead, Griffin has written, "Some 'antisemitism' may be provoked by the actions of certain Jews themselves and thereby have a rational basis".
The Group Development officer of the BNP is Tony Lecomber, a convicted bomber who also has charges under his belt for attacking a Jewish teacher on the underground.
The BNP prints offensive cartoons of Jews in its publications which play up to racist stereotypes by presenting them as hook-nosed, wealthy and powerful.
The BNP and Holocaust denial
In 1998, Griffin was found guilty of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred. The incident related to his publication, The Rune, which denied the Holocaust took place. He received a two-year suspended jail sentence.
Referring to the Holocaust as the "Holohoax", Griffin wrote: "True revisionists will not be fooled by this new twist to the sorry tale of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century".
After his arrest he wrote, "I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch hysteria".
The BNP produced Holocaust News in the early 1990s, a four-page broadsheet which denied the Holocaust. Issue one was headlined: "'Holocaust' Story an Evil Hoax". Issue Two was headlined "Auschwitz not a Death Camp". In both editions the Anne Frank Diaries were dismissed as a forgery.
Several of the world's leading Holocaust deniers have addressed BNP meetings. They have included, David Irving, Ernst Zündel and Fred Leuchter.
The BNP and racism
The BNP declared in its 1997 manifesto, Britain Reborn, "The horrifying future that awaits Britain as a result of the follies of Third World immigration can only be averted if we adopt two very firm policies:
1) Future immigration of non-whites must be stopped;
2) Non-whites already here must be repatriated or otherwise resettled overseas and Britain made once again a white country".
The BNP states that its main aim is to "protect and preserve the racial and cultural integrity of the British people - and of others too. The party believes in separation".
Throughout the Serb conflict with the Kosovans, the BNP made it clear that it was in favour of ethnic cleansing: "The Serbs' real crime isn't the harshness with which they have expelled so many of the Albanian Muslims who, having become the majority in the Kosovan heart of Serbia by a mixture of immigration, a high birth rate, and low level ethnic cleansing of the native Serbs... No! The real crime in the eyes of the powerful advocates of a multiracial New World Order is for any people to demand the right to preserve their own identity and freedom."
In March 2000, Griffin claimed, "The asylum seeker issue has been great for us... This issue legitimates us."
The cover of the November 2000 edition of Spearhead declares, "Time to stop feeling guilty about being 'racist'."
The BNP and extremist links: -
The BNP has a long relationship with William Pierce, leader of the National Alliance, one of the most hardline Nazi groups in the USA. In August 1999, Pierce addressed an American Friends of the BNP (AFBNP) meeting in Arlington, Virginia. Pierce's articles have regularly appeared in Spearhead, and in 1995 he addressed a BNP rally in London.
The AFBNP has invited some of the world's most extreme Nazis to address its meetings. Guests include, Don Black, host of the world's largest neo-nazi website; Vincent Edwards, campaign manager for the former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke; and various members of the National Alliance.
Günther Deckert, arrested and imprisoned for five years in Germany in 1995 for Holocaust denial, addressed a meeting of the BNP in March 2001. The February 2000 edition of Spearhead contains a message for Deckert stating, "Gunther Deckert, former leader of the German NPD party, wishes to thank all those of the BNP 'family' who thought of him and who sent their best greetings".
I'm not disputing how vile the views of the BNP and those who subscribe to them are, just that being a member means joining them and your blog is the only place I've heard that they are members. It is possible to be a racist bigot and not be a member of the british nazi party...
On another note, I got nice email back from paypal saying they're looking into it.
Banning, only makes martyrs. The strong light of publicity exposes fools & charlatans.
Remember first they came for the Jews etc.
Freedom if it means anything, means freedom for the BNP
This website is totally biased and run by people who have absolutely no understanding of white British nationalism. Take it all with a massive handful of salt.
Further to my last comment, many white nationalists think that the BNP is a soft party - not truely nationalist, which compromises its principles at times - so the comments here amaze me but there again - seems to be what is expected and trendy these days.
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