Sunday, April 22, 2007

Time to pick up the pace

Sorry for the gap - have been enjoying myself away on holiday. Back at work, enjoying it, and have found plenty of opportunities for mental stimulation which should keep my fire burning for the next few years at least. I've realised the importance of having a varied job to avoid burning out or simply getting bored. In my case, that will involve taking on a Masters degree next year, getting involved in audits (!) and stretching myself slightly more than I was planning to. I can only sustain this if I continue to enjoy my job as much as I do right now.
As well as striving to be a good doctor with a rewarding job, I'd also like to get rich. To this end, I am considering my first foray into the property market. I may end up living in a shoe-box, but I can't stomach the idea of paying someone else rent money any longer. More news to follow later in the year on that one. I just wish it was cheaper!


Kate Mc said...

Geez, yeah, real estate ain't cheap. Especially not on your side of the ocean. You could spend as much over here and get a house twice as huge. At least.

Anywho, glad to hear things are still going well for you. It's oddly satisfying being able to put a few extra initials behind your name... so good luck with the Master's!

Kristoff said...

Hello mate, you sound alot happier than the last time I was on here :)
Good luck on the audits though, I hate being audited and hate auditing people even more :S


Dr Vegas said...

Kate - I know. I have been to Canada twice and haven't ruled it out completely (unlikely though!). And I hadn't even thought of those extra initials - cool!

Kris - cheers, I am happier than the last time you looked! Hope your dad's OK right now. Hopefully see you at the beer festival later this year?

Calavera said...

My goodness... the best of luck with this venture... it certainly can't be easy...

Kristoff said...

Cheers, he's alot better since the chemo. Just waiting to get a place in leics for a bone marrow transplant, fingers crossed that'll cure it :)